Curriculum Excellence
At Woodcroft pupils are offered a broad and balanced PE and Sport curriculum that provides for the development of progressive skills through high quality lessons that inspire children to succeed in Physical Education.
Visit the Woodcroft PE Curriculum Page here:
Woodcroft achieved the Games GOLD Award for five successive years up to the disruption caused by the pandemic in 2019. This Government led scheme that rewards schools for their commitment to competition across their school and the community.
Woodcroft provides opportunities for children to become more confident, not only in sports but also in adopting a healthier lifestyle. The school was attained the Healthy Schools Silver Award . Our curriculum lends itself to developing the pupil’s confidence in a range of sporting activities and for them to engage in competitive sports. It also helps to teach and encourage good sportsmanship and leadership skills.
The AIM@Sport curriculum is supported by annual whole school personal development programmes. In the past these have included ‘Be The Best You Can Be’ and ‘Birmingham 2022 – Commonwealth Games‘.
Please click on the link to view our PE curriculum map: PE Curriculum Map
Extra-Curricula Clubs
We offer a growing number of sports clubs and a broad range of sporting activities throughout the year. The PE team work hard to ensure that all pupils are offered a sport club of their choice and to ensure that our participation level continues to increase every term.
Enrichment and Events
Here are just some of the many events we take part and ways in which we enrich the PE and Sport curriculum:
- We are members of the Barnet School Sport Partnership (BSSP)
- Host an annual School Games Day.
- Active participants in the football and netball leagues.
- Attend and represent Woodcroft in a range of tournaments, festivals and sporting events that the BSSP host.
- Have specialist PE teachers and coaches working with the pupils to improve gymnastics and games skills.
- Our resident dance choreographer works with KS2 classes and runs two dance and cheerleading clubs.
- Host regular whole school events
- Value pupil voice through a School Sports Council to help develop the subject and organise events through pupil voice.
- Enter national competitions such as Rock Challenge.
- Encourage leadership skills across Years 1-6 with our Bronze Ambassador Programme
- Provide intensive swimming lessons in Year 4 to help them achieve the National Curriculum expectations.
PE Facilities
The PE and Sport facilities at Woodcroft are outstanding:
- Large sports hall for games and gymnastics with large apparatus
- Immersive hall/dance studio
- Three fully equipped playgrounds with climbing equipment and sport games.
- Outside dance stages in all playgrounds
- Floodlit netball / 5-a-side football outside pitch
- Digital resources to support PE e.g. cameras, projectors and tablets
To supplement our in-house facilities we also,
- Use Burnt Oak Leisure Centre where we host our weekly football team training.
- Visit Barnet Copthall swimming pool for weekly curriculum lessons
In addition to well trained class teachers Woodcroft also offers:
- PE Games Coach
- Professional Dance Choreographer
- Specialist club coaches
Our PE and Sport Achievements
- School Games Gold Award 2019
- National UDO Dance Champions 2019
- National UDO Dance Solo Champion 2021
- Regional ‘Great Big Dance Off’ Champions 2022
PE Inclusion
At Woodcroft Primary School we believe in participation for all. We want all adults and children to participate in PE and Sport, as part of an inclusive culture in our school, being responsive to the diversity of children’s backgrounds, interests, experience, knowledge and skills. Here are just a few ways that we try to encourage inclusion:
- The Dance Team worked in partnership with Northway Primary School and performed together at the Barnet Dance Festival.
- Active participation in inclusive sports with our Boccia team and Barnet Bar No One festivals
- All the children in Year 4 attend weekly swimming and their needs are meet.
Future Developments
We aim to maintain the high standards of performance and opportunity by:
- Developing opportunities for outdoor adventurous activities

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