In Year Primary Admissions

To apply for a school place at Woodcroft Primary School please call Barnet Admissions Department:  02083597651

The following criteria will apply to all admissions:

  • Children for whom a Statement of Special Educational Needs has been made or is likely to be made and for whom the school has been named.
  • Other children whom the Chief Executive Officer accepts a medical, social or educational need that the school is particularly able to meet.
  • Children who have a brother or sister living at the same address, who already attends the school
  • Geographical location.

To apply for a place at Woodcroft please contact Barnet directly. The Local Authority deals with admissions into Reception and all subsequent in-year admissions up to Y6. Click on the Barnet icon below for more information.


Barnet also produce a guide to primary admissions.

Barnet Guide to Primary Admissions