Support for Parents at Woodcroft is an essential part of our work…
We have a Family Support Co-ordinator, Jill Smith who works at Woodcroft on a Wednesday and is available to discuss any concerns you may have around the welfare of your family. Perhaps you have housing or health issues; caring roles or other responsibilities or difficulties.
Jill can either be contacted in person on a Wednesday, or by telephone 020 8959 3244 or via email : All discussions would be confidential unless there were safeguarding concerns, where information has to be shared in line with the school’s policies and procedures.
Some of our parents may like to access other outside agencies and services directly themselves and below you will find details about the different services that may be available to you. This is just a selection which may be able to assist you. This is not an exhaustive list and is provided in alphabetical order.
PLEASE NOTE : We have tried to provide information as accurately as possible. By creating this list, Woodcroft School is not endorsing any of these organisations and it is the parent’s responsibility around any contact that is made with them. We hope you find the list useful.
Local Children’s Centre – Timetable and Information
African Cultural Association

Services offered to the African and African Caribbean communities, including refugees and asylum seekers. Advice on health matters, welfare, education, employment. Women’s support group available.
28 Church End, Hendon, NW4 4JX
Tel : 020 8203 4078
Email :
BOOST – Burnt Oak Opportunity Support Team
BOOST is a new project set up to support local residents of Burnt Oak get into work. By working together with adults they aim to help them lead better, healthier and manageable lifestyles, and of course to gain sustainable work that meets their individual and family needs. The team are based at Burnt Oak Library.
Phone: 0208 359 5600
Click here to view the BOOST Launch Information Sheet.
Barnet Young Carers and Siblings (BYCAS) is a service run by Barnet Carers Centre. They provide lots of fun activities to children and young people aged 5-17 who are a young carer or a sibling and living within the Borough of Barnet.
Although being a carer or sibling can be fun, rewarding and enjoyable it can also be tiring, upsetting and hard work for a young person. BYCAS exists to give these young people a break to have fun and make new friends. There are approximately 1000 young carers in Barnet so your child is in good company!
Tel : 020 8343 9698
Children’s Centres near to Woodcroft School
Woodcroft is in a fortunate location, where we have three Children’s Centres in close proximity to our school.
Mercury, The Concourse, Grahame Park, NW9 5XN Tel : 0208359 3510
Silkstream Road, Burnt Oak, HA8 0DA Tel : 0208905 7605
If you have a child or children under 5 years old, (they can be attending school, nursery or pre-school) or if you are pregnant, there are many services that you can access from these Centres including:-
- Play and Stay Session
- Health Services
- Adult Learning and Employment training
- Early Education and School readiness
- Childcare advice
- Advice around benefits
- Support with housing
- Support for your child with Special Education Needs
- Parenting advice and support
For a comprehensive list contact the Centres directly or go to the London Borough of Barnet’s Children’s Service website :
Citizens Advice Bureau
Parents who require advice around benefits and other legal advice may like to contact the local CAB which has premises in Hendon.
40-42 Church End, NW4 4JT
Helpline in Barnet : Tel : 0844 826 9336
Community Barnet
Community Barnet provide a specialist service to voluntary and community children and family services in Barnet. They will provide advice and guidance to parents about voluntary organisations available in Barnet. You may belong to a specific community and Community Barnet will put you in touch with organisers. Community Barnet also provide Parenting Courses for parents with English as a second language.
Tel : 020 8364 8400 x 208
Family and Young People’s information Service
Barnet’s free and impartial advice line, guidance and signposting for parents, professionals etc.
Tel : 0800 389832
Free Early Education (FEE)
Free nursery/childcare funding for some two year olds and all three and four year olds
To check your eligibility contact the service directly.
You can also find out information regarding Childcare and Daycare from the London Borough of Barnet Children’s Service website., search “Free Early Education”.
Free Early Education 2 year olds – Tel : 020 8359 7587
Free Early Education 3&4 year olds – Tel : 020 8359 7619
Grief Encounter
Helping bereaved children. Access to quality support helping to alleviate the pain caused by the death of someone close.
Tel : 020 8371 8455
Email :
Homestart Barnet
Trained volunteers who are usually parents themselves visit families with at least one child under 5 at home to offer informal, friendly and confidential support. An invaluable service!
Tel : 02083710674
Hope Parenting Support
Hope in Harrow run a number of parenting courses relevant to all different aged children. They range from Anger Management, for children and Teens, through to more nurturing courses for younger children.
These courses are usually open to non Harrow residents. There is normally a small cost involved.
Tel : 020 8863 7319
Jewish Women’s Aid
Jewish Women’s Aid is the only specialist organisation in the UK supporting Jewish women affected by domestic violence.
One woman in four will experience domestic abuse in her lifetime.
It affects all women, regardless of age, education, class, lifestyle or religion; the Jewish community is no different to any other.
Jewish Women’s Aid (JWA) was founded to support the thousands of Jewish women who, each year, will face physical, emotional, psychological, sexual or financial abuse from within their own home. JWA is the only organisation in the UK dealing specifically with the needs of abused Jewish women and their children.
The lack of awareness of domestic violence in the Jewish community has caused damage. Women may remain silent through shame, embarrassment, a feeling of guilt or fear that they will not be believed.
Helpline: 0808 801 0500 9.30am – 9.30pm – Monday to Thursday Outside of these hours calls are recorded, monitored and responded to on a daily basis.
A leading Jewish Charity supporting children with SEN, people with learning difficulties and vulnerable families at home, at school and throughout their lives.
The Kennedy Leigh Family Centre, in Hendon, Barnet provides services for children & families
They offer a range of services including:
- A nursery offering places for children with and without a disability.
- Binoh, a support service for children with learning needs.
- Recreational services for children and young people with disabilities.
- Holiday schemes for special needs children and young people.
- Family support, which includes social workers, family support workers and outreach workers. This work is also carried out in people’s homes.
- Art therapy.
- Early Years literacy.
- Baby massage courses
The centre also has a café run by people supported by Norwood and provides a range of activities which encourage social interaction.
Tel : 020 8809 8809
Outreach Barnet
If you are having problems with your housing, live in Barnet, whether private rented or via Barnet Homes, there is an organisation who will try to resolve your issues and give you lots of advice and support. If you use the website, select referrals, then “self referrals”, which is a form that you will have to complete on line in order to receive support.
Tel : 020 3115 1185
Drop in : 36B Woodhouse Road, North Finchley N12 ORG
Paiwand Afghan Association
Provision of advice and support in respect of health issues, social care, education, counselling, career advice, translation service, welfare support, advocacy and legal issues. Promotion of Afghan arts, culture, tradition as well as native Pashto and Farsi languages.
3rd floor, Middlesex House
130 College Road
Harrow HA1 1BQ
Tel : 020 8905 8770
Email :
Rephael House Counselling Centre
Independent Charity offering low cost counselling. General counselling on any issues.
40a Station Road, New Barnet, EN5 1QH
Tel : 020 8440 9144
Email :
Sangham Centre
Sangham is a not for profit charity based in Barnet established and managed by Asian Women. Advice available on counselling, debt management, Domestic violence, healthcare and talking social isolation.
210 Burnt Oak Broadway
Burnt Oak
Tel : 020 8952 7062
Email :
Solace Women’s Aid
Offer lots of advice and support, counselling and legal advice around domestic violence. Although main office is located outside of Barnet, the are commissioned to work with Barnet families.
Helpline : 0808 802 5565
Special Education Needs & Inclusion
All external support services are listed under a different section, please refer to the Special Education Needs & Inclusion Page – Parent Support: click here…
Information> SEN & Inclusion > SEN Support Services for Parents

Welfare Rights Advice
For families with a child under 5 years. Provides information and support about benefits to families. Families can arrange to see an advisor at their local children’s centre
Tel : 020 8359 6135/9
Youth and Family Support Team
This team within Barnet Children’s Service offer parenting support. This can either be in the form of parenting classes (which are held at various venues at various times throughout the year) or 1:1 parenting support.
Both services can only be accessed through a professional and it would be best to contact the school if you are interested, but the website offers further information.
Go to the London Borough of Barnet website and search Youth and Family Services
Family Support Team – Tel : 020 8359 7933