Delayed FULL Opening Announcement

Barnet, along with other London Boroughs is listed in the contingency framework areas. This means that there are additional restrictions placed upon schools.

Note: Barnet website information here,

Note: Government information here, DfE School Contingency Plans

Primary schools, including Woodcroft, will only open to children of critical workers and vulnerable children for the first two weeks of term. A Government review will occur by 18th January in respect of planning to open for other children thereafter.

All families were sent an online application form on 31/12/20 to request a place, if eligible, in our Key Worker Provision. All applications will be reviewed on 4/12/20.

Pupils not attending school will have access to Woodcroft Online remote education via Google Classroom from the start of term. Please log on to your child’s school account on Tuesday 5th to access their daily schedule and assignments.