Snow & Winter Weather Procedures

Winter Weather Arrangements for Winter 2019

We will always do everything possible to keep the school open throughout the winter without compromising the safety of your children. However, on rare occasions we may need to close due to extreme weather conditions such as heavy snow.

If the Headteacher decides to close the school for safety reasons we will:

  • Try to give parents as much advance notice as possible
  • Send a text before 8.00am if the school is going to close
  • Parents are asked NOT to call the school (this blocks the phone lines)
  • Post information on the school website and Twitter

If you do not hear from the school then assume it is a normal day and we are OPEN

Restricted Site Access on Snowy and Frosty Days
On mornings when the school is open but disrupted by snow or heavy frost we will do the following:

  • We open the main front gate, but keep the top front gate locked due to slippy unsafe steps
  • The Foundation Stage entrance will be cleared, however grit cannot be used on the safety surface. Please be very careful
  • The back gates will be OPEN but the paths may NOT always be cleared of snow – please be cautious
  • From 8.30am follow the marked paths that have been cleared
  • At 8.45am we also allow children to access classrooms directly through the corridors from the main entrance (they will not need to go across the KS2 playground
  • On snow days we ask that parents and children DO NOT arrive at school before 8.30am unless they have a morning club e.g Breakfast Club

Avoid early arrival in Winter – aim to get here for 8.45am and go straight into class!
Please try to ensure that children arrive at 8.45am for school. It is cold, dark and slippy during the winter months. Please enquire about our breakfast club if you need to drop children off early!

9.30am Late Registration on Open Snow Days 
On snow days, if you have received a text to say the school is open but with the restrictions children will not be marked late until after 9.30am. Therefore, on severe snow days children can arrive between 8.45am and 9.30am. This flexible start will allow for slower journeys and help avoid congestion on the roads and pavements outside school. If you do not receive a text then registration is at the normal time of 8.55am.

Early Closing for Snow and Severe Weather Dismissals
If the school needs to close early due to deteriorating weather conditions (or we have severe weather at 3.15pm) then a text will be sent to parents. Children will remain in their classrooms. On arrival, parents and carers will go down the corridors and collect their children directly from the classroom door. This system has worked well in the past. Corridors will be congested, so we ask for care and patience. Please try to operate a lane system down corridors i.e. drive on the left!

Appropriate Winter Clothing, Boots & PE Kits
Please remember, children need a winter coat for break times. If you send your child in boots, please ensure they have black shoes to change into in school. Please also ensure that children bring a navy blue sweatshirt for outside PE lessons (navy jogging/track bottoms are also recommended).