Woodcroft Weekly Issue 521

Check out our, slightly delayed, Woodcroft Weekly Issue 521 … https://bit.ly/3X1zRoy

Lots to read, lots to think about!

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 520

It has been SATs week for Year 6! Every pupil approached their exams in a sensible and mature way making the staff very proud. We now wait until results are released in July. Our attention then turns to Reception, Y1 and Y4 who all have their respective assessments to complete. Read all about the schedule in Issue 520 …. https://bit.ly/3wHuX5r

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 519

Read about our recent Ofsted Inspection in Woodcroft Weekly Issue 519.

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 518

We have settled back into the rhythm of the new term, so now is the time to plan ahead! Check out our diary and term dates included with Issue 518. Also, if you or a friend has a younger child approaching age 3 then now is the time to put them on our Nursery waiting list.

Download your full colour PDF of Issue 518 here …  https://bit.ly/3Uxo2Vw

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 517

Welcome Back

Welcome back to the start of the summer term! This is traditionally a busy term with end of year assessments, reports and transition meetings. However, if you read your Woodcroft Weekly every Friday then you will always be up to speed with everything happening in school!

Click here to read Issue 517:  https://bit.ly/3UmJ7SD

UDOIT Dance Champions 2024

Click the image to watch their winning dance routine.

Woodcroft Dance Team won their second trophy of the year when they gained 1st Place at the UDOIT Primary Competition at the The Ridgeway Centre in Milton Keynes on Wednesday 27th March. Click the link above to watch their amazing performance.


Woodcroft Weekly Issue 516

Wow – it’s the last Woodcroft Weekly of the Spring Term! Time flies when you are busy – and that certainly describes Woodcroft pupils. Check out Issue 516 to see for yourself …bit.ly/3TMmsih

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 515

WOW, what a week! Dance Championships, Football Cup Games, Maths Stay & Play, Egyptian Day, Red Nose Day and Ramadan! Read all about this, and lots more, in Issue 515 of our Woodcroft Weekly News.

Download a PDF copy here (it’s BIG!) … https://bit.ly/4ct7FR0


WOW! We did it! Our amazing Woodcroft Dance Team are The Great BIg Dance Off Regional Champions 2024. Well done to our fantastic dancers, wonderful staff and great supporters. Read the full report in Friday’s Woodcroft Weekly.

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 514

In this week’s issue read about our work to celebrate World Book Day through our study of Charles Dickens and the Victorian era. We had theatre shows, piano recitals and book activities.

EYFS have also had a busy week reading The Little Prince and hosting their final parent workshop.

As always, you can read all about this, and lots more, in our Woodcroft Weekly News. It is so full this weeks that we had to spilt it in two to restrict the file size!

Issue 514 Newsletter part 1: https://bit.ly/3V7eZve

Issie 514 Newsletter part 2: https://bit.ly/4ca8ePe