Year Group Curriculum Information Evenings

Thank you to everyone who attended the year group presentations that took place over the past two weeks. We hope that you found them useful. A copy of the slides from each presentation is now available online by clicking the links below. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher. 

Year 1

Year 1 Curriculum Presentation

Year 2

Year 2 Curriculum Presentation

Year 3

Year 3 Curriculum Presentation

Year 4

Year 4 Curriculum Presentation

Year 5

Year 5 Curriculum Presentation

Year 6

Year 6 Curriculum Presentation

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 531

We continue with our Parent Information Meetings next week and look forward to seeing everyone from Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5. Dates and time are available on Page 1 of this week’s news.

In Issue 531 we also include lots of information on topics raised in the meetings held this week including mobile phones, healthy snacks and pupil premium funding.

Download you copy right here …

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 530

Next week we start hosting our Year Group Information Evenings. It is essential that parents and carers make every effort to attend. Get all the details about this, and the rest of this term’s events, in Woodcroft Weekly Issue 530

Download your PDF copy here …

Pupils Return on Wednesday 4th September

Take a look at our welcome back newsletter with all of the essential information to get your term off to a great start.

Download the Woodcroft Weekly Issue 529 PDF …

Outstanding Outcomes for Woodcroft Pupils

Congratulations to pupils and staff for another very successful year of academic results at Woodcroft.

  • Early Years Foundation Stage Profile increased by 4% 
  • Year 1 Phonics results were up 25% to an excellent 76.5% pass 
  • Year 2 Phonics increased to achieve 77% pass
  • Year 4 secured an excellent average of 21 out of 25 in the national Multiplication Tables Check
  • Year 6 exceeded national levels in every subject (see below)
Subject Woodcroft National
Reading 84% 74%
Writing 89% 71%
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 87% 72%
Maths 87% 73%
Combined (Reading, Writing & Maths) 80% 61%

These results demonstrate the excellent education that pupils receive at Woodcroft. We expect high academic standards and exemplary learning behaviour. These outstanding results demonstrate the success that this brings.

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 528

This is the final Woodcroft Weekly newsletter of this academic year – where has the time gone?

I think today’s newsletter encapsulates what Woodcroft is about. Firstly, we are able to report on another year of amazing Y6 SATs results! Significantly exceeding national levels in every subject and demonstrating what fantastic teaching takes place. However, in addition to high academic expectations this edition of the newsletter also shines a spotlight on our wider curriculum, in particular the exceptional arts and sporting opportunities offered at Woodcroft.

It is also about the wider community that we are part of. This week, families have joined us for Y6 leavers shows, EYFS picnics and a wonderful a staff lunch provided by a group of kind parents.

Finally, we say farewell to Year 6 in the knowledge they have the foundations to achieve whatever they want to at high school. We also say goodbye to valued members of staff; Ms Vanner, Mr Guest and Miss Ali, and wish them well for the future.

Have a great summer, and don’t forget to sign your child up for the Summer Reading Challenge at your local library.

Download your ISSUE 528 PDF copy here …

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 527

In this week’s Woodcroft Weekly we hear about exciting trips, exciting concerts and exciting activities taking place over the summer!!!

Download our weekly news, Issue 527, right here …

WOW Factor 2024

WOW! We have were amazed by the talent on show at the Woodcroft WOW Factor. Over two separate performances, KS1 and KS2, we saw some supremely gifted singers, dancers, magicians, gymnasts and musicians. We also had the honour of welcoming our VIP judges into school: Tom Jones, Sharon Osborne, Taylor Swift and the one and only Simon Cowell. However, something did look a bit suspicious about their appearance! Nevertheless, they were all astonished by the quality and standard of every performance that took to our WOW Factor Stage. Take a look at the video clips below by clicking on the image …

Click to watch the KS1 WOW Factor

Click to watch the KS2 WOW Factor


Woodcroft Weekly Issue 526

Take a look at this week’s Woodcroft Weekly News Issue 526.
Please make sure that you take note of the various dates for events and activities that occur at the end of term. Can we also encourage parents to sign their children up for the Summer reading Challenge at our local library.
Download this week’s PDF or view the photos below:

Woodcroft Weekly Issue 525

This week’s newsletter is a 14 page bumper issue!
We celebrate lots of wonderful Woodcroft news such as our fantastic TTRS London Rocks results, the pupil’s WOW Factor talent show and a final installment of the EYFS caterpillar diary.
Issue 525 also contains lost of essential information about classes for September, Parents’ Evening, Sports Day and our next SEND Coffee Morning.
Download via the link below or pick up a copy from the foyer.
Woodcroft Weekly Issue 525 …